Loyalty program

Step 1

Sign up
for free
for free
Step 2

Step 3

Enjoy discounts
on future rentals
on future rentals
Make your travels more affordable and enjoyable with Drivo!
How it works
01. Book on our website — earn points

It's simple: book a car on our website, complete your trip, and automatically earn points.

Receive 10% cashback in points for every trip
Note that taxes and other non-Drivo related expenses are excluded from point calculations

02. Turn points into money

Your points aren't just digits. Every 10 points give you $1 to use for future rentals.

Collect more points and get discounts from $20 to $100 on your next trips.

How to Qualify
What You Need
To join, you'll need
to provide:
to provide:
Your full name
Date of birth
All information must match the
details on your driver's license.
There is no payment required
to become a member.
You can only have one account, ensuring
a straightforward and simple process.

Drivo Rewards Points

The cost of points
Earn one (1) point for every qualifying U.S. dollar spent on a Qualifying Rental.

Awarding rules
Points are based on the base rate and paid upgrades, excluding taxes, surcharges, and other fees, and will be rounded up to the nearest dollar.

Validity period
Points remain valid for twelve (12) months from the date of the qualifying rental.
Frequently Asked Questions